Saturday, April 10, 2010

And the Treasure Is....

(From our previous adventure) An Owl City CD and a Spooka Night Light!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Bash

Rosco went to an Easter Egg Hunt! He got a lot of eggs....

He also saw the Easter Bunny! Boy, that bunny sure is a fast hopper. Rosco took a picture of him really quick before he disappeared!

Have a great Easter!

Sleepover at Spot's!

This time, I went to Spot's outback to sleep over. This time, Rosco found the RIGHT map for the treasure on an Ipod. We all decided to search for it.

We had to climb a compicated tree that was very prickly.

We then found a special pipe. In there were a couple of balls.

We had to at least throw one ball into the hoop to continue. Rosco was no help, neither was I. My ball kept bouncing off the rim, while Rosco couldn't even pick it up!

Feather showed us how to do it the "right way." Without him, we wouldn't be able to continue searching.

We had a few steps left, including riding a super fast car!

One last step left! Swinging! Rosco was scared, again.

We all helped Spot dig to the treasure! Boy, it was exciting!

YES! We found the treasure with a bunch of teamwork! What do you think it is?

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Wonderful Afternoon

Ahh... It's a great I went and picked an orange from our orange tree!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spot's Sleepover!

Well Spot came over to my house last night and we had lots of fun! Spot brought over his new friend, Feather, too! Me, Rosco, Spot, and Feather went out for an adventure!

First we started out in the tall grass with the map to follow to get to the treasure. Rosco, Feather and I couldn't see so Spot guided the way with his long neck.

Next, we had to climb the tall tree! Rosco took the lead because he's the best climber. Me and Spot were WAY behind, because giraffes and dogs aren't really climbers. (Especially giraffes!)

We then had to climb an ancient fountain.

It was tough enough already, and we had to cross a big tundra. I took the lead this time because, well, dogs are meant to walk on flat surface, ya know? While walking, we felt as if someone was following us. Thanks to feathers and HIS big feathers, puffing up scared the thing away.

To get to our destination, we had to climb a very big tree! It was really hard.

We got to our destination! But turns out, the so called "treasure map" Rosco found was a brochure for Tarwater Elementary, where both of our owners go. Rosco said he found it in my owner's desk.

We had to get back home. Feathers left a trail of his feathers so we could get back, which was smart. We followed Feathers and his feathers.

We all had to jump off a big tree in order to get back home, but Rosco was too scared to jump. He says that it's not safe, but we had parachutes. Rosco clung onto a branch like a baby!

We stayed up 'til one in the morning. We talked for a little, then Spot was the first to knock out. The next morning, we had a big breakfast. Spot didn't want his milk, so I had two glasses of milk. A few minutes later, we made a mini science expirement. The project was, "Which soda would bubble up more? Coca-Cola or Fanta Grape?" We both expected that Coca-Cola would win, and it did. There was extra soda in the cans, so Spot got the Coke, and I got the Fanta.

We then spent some time on the computer, until we realized Spot had to get ready to leave. It was very sad and lonely after he left. By the way Spot, you forgot your shoes!